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I've started to really respect people who do pole dancing, and I try not to be sneering and judgemental, because hey: it's a perfectly valid form of exercise, and it takes effort and practice to do! I must admit that, since hitting my 40s, I need to do something about my physical health. The problem is, as a super skinny person, so there's not much of an incentive. Then I started going to the gym....just half-hour sessions on an exercise bike and a rowing machine. And I actually started to feel better! It was the little things: going for long walks without feeling sore afterwards; carrying shopping back from the supermarket; squatting down to retrieve saucepans from the kitchen cupboard. To my disappointment and horror, regular exercise made those everyday things a little more comfortable, and the old feeling of being weak and wobbly came back when I stopped going. I'll never be a serious gym goer - I suspect that my body type is "hobbit on hunger strike" no matter what I do or don't do - but there's a lot to be said for finding some form of regular physical exercise that's fun, or at least bearable. I'm sure that our older selves will thank us for it.

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